Barkston Ash Catholic Primary School


A paper copy of these policies is available on request. Please contact
 Religious Education Policy.pdfDownload
 Restrictive Physical Intervention (RPI) Policy June 2020.pdfDownload
 Scheme of Delegation BWCAT.pdfDownload
 SEND Policy.pdfDownload
 Subject Access Request Policy BWCAT.pdfDownload
 Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions Policy BWCAT.pdfDownload
 Supporting Pupils with Health Needs who Cannot Attend School Policy BWCAT.pdfDownload
 Suspension and Exclusion Policy July 23 BWCAT.pdfDownload
 Teaching and Learning Policy September 2020.pdfDownload
 Uniform Policy January 2025.pdfDownload
Showing 41-50 of 51

London Road, Barkston Ash, Nr Tadcaster, North Yorkshire LS24 9PS

01937 557373

Mrs Ward: