Barkston Ash Catholic Primary School

Remote Learning


This was in place during the period of school closures due to the Covid-19 pandemic.  If a similar situation was to reoccur, this policy would be updated and published in light of the  current situation.


Home Learning Platforms

In the event of a national/local lockdown, a class bubble having to be closed, or a child self-isolating,  each class teacher will provide regular home learning that follows the sequence of learning that would take place in school. Home learning will be accessed through the following platforms:
  • Class 1 – Tapestry – Each child has their own login that parents can access and will have learning videos and activities set by Mrs Poulter.
  • Classes 2, 3, 4 and 5 – Google Classroom – Each child has their own login which will take them to their class page. On here, learning videos, activities and assignments will be set, completed, handed in and marked. 

Google Classroom

A guide to uploading content to google classrooms can be found on the following link:

The google class codes can be found below. Teachers have added students to the relevant Google Classroom class pages but if you are unable to find a class, you can use the class code below to enrol. Usernames and passwords have been added to the front of the planners; please make a note of these to keep at home. If you have forgotten or can't find the Google Classroom login details, please email 

Class 2: vdsqyat
Class 3: mvcqegx
Class 4: yo6tufo
Class 5: s4ypnow

Class teachers can be contacted with any queries about home learning via the school office email.

London Road, Barkston Ash, Nr Tadcaster, North Yorkshire LS24 9PS

01937 557373

Mrs Ward: